Human Anatomy and Physiology test For DPEE

  • Human Anatomy & Physiology multiple choice question bank for govt. service exams. Important MCQs from Human Anatomy & Physiology MCQ Human Anatomy & Physiology MCQ for DPEE Quiz, Pharmacist Exam MCQs, Noteskarts Test Series
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Human Anatomy and Physiology test For DPEE

1 / 25

The spinal cord is part of the:

2 / 25

The study of the structure and function of the body is called:

3 / 25

The organ responsible for filtering waste products from the blood is the:

4 / 25

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for:

5 / 25

The brainstem is responsible for:

6 / 25

The structure that connects the brain and the spinal cord to the rest of the body is the:

7 / 25

The structure that connects the brain to the rest of the body is the:

8 / 25

The organ that produces insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels is:

9 / 25

The hypothalamus is responsible for:

10 / 25

The structure that surrounds and protect the brain and spinal cord is the:

11 / 25

The somatic nervous system is responsible for:

12 / 25

The pituitary gland is often referred to as the:

13 / 25

The organ responsible for oxygenating the blood is the:

14 / 25

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for:

15 / 25

The thalamus is responsible for:

16 / 25

The cerebrum is responsible for:

17 / 25

The organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body is the:

18 / 25

The largest internal organ in the human body is the:

19 / 25

The structure that connects the brain to the spinal cord is the:

20 / 25

The cerebellum is responsible for:

21 / 25

The study of the function of the body is called:

22 / 25

The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders is:

23 / 25

The medulla oblongata is part of the:

24 / 25

The study of structure and function of the body is called:

25 / 25

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for:

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Pharmaceutical Chemistry Section A

In this MCQs test 50 questions and 30 min for solve all question Noteskarts Test Series

1 / 50

Given the following are long acting sulphonamides except.

2 / 50

The substituent in the chain is named by replacing the "ane" in the alkanes by________.

3 / 50

Name of drug containing dianilino group........

4 / 50

Saturated hydrocarbons are otherwise referred as............................

5 / 50

Select an anti-leprotic drug among the given...........

6 / 50

The first step in IUPAC namenclatute is to identify the total number of carbon atoms present in the compound.

7 / 50

IUPAC name of INH is ...

8 / 50

Antiseptic have lower bacterial resistance

9 / 50

The substituent groups that are commonly associated with benzene are______

10 / 50

Transmission of amoebiasis occur through_________

11 / 50

Major side effects of INH.....

12 / 50

DDS stands for......

13 / 50

Heterocyclic ring present in INH...................

14 / 50

Antiseptic are

15 / 50

Identify the correct alkane name for the molecular formula C30H62 . 

16 / 50

Which of the following is an active agent in antiseptic.

17 / 50

Which of the following drug belongs to 1st line

18 / 50

Septran is a trade name for

19 / 50

Name the drug containing pyrazine ring.........

20 / 50

Sulfonamides are mainly used in treatment of eye infection is

21 / 50

Which of the following is used as an antimicrobial cleanser to clean the skin site before surgery.

22 / 50

Dapsone is use in combination with...........

23 / 50

Which of the following drug belongs to sulfone group

24 / 50

Functional group present in INH

25 / 50

Dienes are the name given to compounds with_______

26 / 50

Extra intestinal infections include

27 / 50

Vitamin B6 is administered along with INH to avoid....................

28 / 50

Triple bond with two carbon atoms on either side is called_______

29 / 50

N-[(4-amino phenyl) sulfonyl] acetamide the IUPAC name of

30 / 50

Disinfectants are _______

31 / 50

Mechanism of sulfonamides antibacterial effect is

32 / 50

Excystation is _______

33 / 50

IUPAC name of Dapsone is .......................

34 / 50

Sulfonamides are....................... in action.

35 / 50

Which of the following metal ion shows antimicrobial action.

36 / 50

Which of the given is not ant amoebic drug

37 / 50

The heterocyclic nucleus present in sulphadiazine is

38 / 50

Storage condition for Rifampicin is...............

39 / 50

The C=C bond in the chain of the compound considered is shown by________

40 / 50

Amobiasis is also known as.........................

41 / 50

Mechanism by which the antiseptic shows their action

42 / 50

The destruction of all micro organism on inanimate objects or surfaces is known as

43 / 50

In which among the following alkane, a carbon atom is displayed so as to form a compactly structure with the resemblance of a butterfly wing?

44 / 50

Which of these anti-tubercular drugs are also active against leprosy

45 / 50

Functional group present in dapsone is ............

46 / 50

Which of the following is not susceptible to alcohol compounds.

47 / 50

Which of the following is commonly used in treatment of acne

48 / 50

Leprosy is also known as.........

49 / 50

4-amino-N-(diaminomethylidene) benzenesulfonamide is the IUPAC name of

50 / 50

Protozoan parasite responsible for amebiasis is ________

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The average score is 22%


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Pharmacology & Toxicology MCQs for DPEE | D.Pharma Exit Exam Most Important Question 2022-23

1 / 50

In belladonna poisoning convulsions can be controlled by

2 / 50

Neostigmine may cause all of the following except

3 / 50

In urinary incontinence following drug is widely used:

4 / 50

Atropine blocks the muscarinic actions of acetylcholine by

5 / 50

Which of the following receptor shows the slowest response?

6 / 50

Drug of the following drugs. Does not cross the blood-brain barrier?

7 / 50

Darifenacin is a

8 / 50

Major adverse effect of clonidine is

9 / 50

Action of D-tubocurarine is

10 / 50

Most serious adverse effect of antithyroid drug, propylthiouracil is

11 / 50

Most of the drug is absorbed through

12 / 50

Local anesthetics produce:

13 / 50

Tolbutamide is contraindicated in

14 / 50

………………drug having highest volume of distribution.

15 / 50

Atropine is used prior the administration of a general Anesthetics agent due to become it

16 / 50

Following are the chloride channel blocker
(P) Amiloride (Q) Cadmium
(R) Picrotoxin. (S) Ketamine

17 / 50

Antidote of atropine is

18 / 50

Alcuronium is a semisynthetic derivative with similar properties of

19 / 50

Which of the following agent irreversibly bound with acetyl cholinesterase.

20 / 50

All of the following may enhance the action of sulfonylureas except

21 / 50

Hormones that increase cyclic AMP in the larger organ include all except

22 / 50

Activation of alpha-2 receptors in the pancreatic islets causes

23 / 50

Which of the following is CYP450 enzyme inhibitor?

24 / 50

Drug having high affinity but low intrinsic activity is called

25 / 50

Sweating is inhibited by

26 / 50

Beta agonist used in bronchial asthma exert action by

27 / 50

Atropine over Dosage may cause all of the following except

28 / 50

Pilocarpine is classified as

29 / 50

Which of the following a is directly acting sympathomimetic agent?

30 / 50

Muscarinic receptor M4 are mainly located at

31 / 50

Drug of choice in the treatment of cardiogenic shock is

32 / 50

Morphine affects the eyes by:

33 / 50

Isolated rabbit jejunum is used

34 / 50

Most common Phase -2nd reaction is

35 / 50

Epinephrine is added to local anaesthetics

36 / 50

Undesirable effects of oral contraceptives include all except

37 / 50

In the treatment of myasthenia gravis, the best agent for distinguishing between myashenic crisis and cholinergic crisis, given intravenously is

38 / 50

Antidote of organo phosphorus poisoning is

39 / 50

In the bioassay the conviction activity in mice is observed during……………use.

40 / 50

Which of the following drug may cause cycloplegia when used topically in the eye?

41 / 50

All of the following statement related to neostigmine are correct except

42 / 50

Acetylcholine and physostigmine are examples of……………… type drug interaction.

43 / 50

Serious unwanted effect of epinephrine is

44 / 50

Ganglionic blocking agent may cause all of the following except

45 / 50

Spironolactone is a prodrug and its active metabolite is

46 / 50

Bioassays are carried out to:

47 / 50

Mechanism of action of organic phosphate parathion is

48 / 50

Phentolamine is competitive antagonism of

49 / 50

Drug of choice in motion sickness is

50 / 50

Neostigmine effectively antagonizes skeletal muscle relaxation produced by

Your score is

The average score is 30%



Pharmacy Law & Ethics Quiz | MCQs

1 / 25

1. If the drug contains in filthy, putrid or decomposed substance then is known as

2 / 25

2. Insulin comes under

3 / 25

3. Nominated or elected members in "State Pharmacy Council" hold office for a term of

4 / 25

4. "Schedule F3" is related with

5 / 25

5. Names of drugs which shall be marketed under generic names only come under

6 / 25

6. Crocin is sale under

7 / 25

7. Spurious drug comes under

8 / 25

8. Appendix II is about

9 / 25

9. Which pharmaceutical product is not included in Schedule C?

10 / 25

10. Schedule M, states that

11 / 25

11. Application for grant of a licence to manufacture Ayurvedic, Sidhha or Unani drugs requires.

12 / 25

12. One of the following forms is needed for the cosmetic manufacture.

13 / 25

13. Private testing laboratory for carrying out tests on drugs requires.

14 / 25

14. Pharmacy council of India has ______ state government nominated member(s)

15 / 25

15. Blood Bank comes under the schedule

16 / 25

16. "Ampicillin capsule should be used within 24 months." This statement comes under

17 / 25

17. How many members are elected among themselves by registered Pharmacist of state

18 / 25

18. In the "Joint State Pharmacy Council" elected member(s) among the Registered Pharmacists is/are

19 / 25

19. Insulin injection according to Schedule P is should be stored

20 / 25

20. Manufacturing and analytical records of cosmetics are included in which schedule?

21 / 25

21. Pharmacy Act is established in

22 / 25

22. Pharmacy Council of India is doing all of below func tions except

23 / 25

23. Standard for disinfectant fluids come under.

24 / 25

24. In AICTE the chairman is appointed by

25 / 25

25. Form 20 states that

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The average score is 38%


Created on By 8a4ab39bc76ef351bee70bf4a6f492d3 | Noteskarts, D.Pharma Notes PDF, D.Pharma 1st year Notes, Pharmacy Notes Noteskarts Human Anatomy and Physiology test For DPEENoteskarts

Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Quiz, Pharmacist Exam MCQs, Noteskarts Test Series

1 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of glucose from lactose in the small intestine?

2 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of ATP in the cytoplasm?

3 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of acetyl-CoA from pyruvate in the mitochondria?

4 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of glucose from fatty acids in the liver?

5 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of glucose from lactic acid in the liver?

6 / 25

What is the main function of enzymes in biochemistry?

7 / 25

What is the name of the protein that is responsible for blood clotting?

8 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of glucose from amino acids

9 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of pyruvate from glucose in the cytoplasm?

10 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of urea from ammonia in the liver?

11 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of fatty acids in the liver?

12 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of ATP in the mitochondria?

13 / 25

What is the main function of the pancreas in the body?

14 / 25

What is the main function of hemoglobin in the blood?

15 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of urea in the liver?

16 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of glucose from fructose in the liver?

17 / 25

What is the main function of the kidney in the body?

18 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of glucose in the muscle?

19 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of glucose-6-phosphate from glucose in the liver?

20 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of glycogen in the liver?

21 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of ATP in the chloroplasts?

22 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of amino acids in the liver?

23 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of urea in the liver?

24 / 25

What is the main function of the liver in the body?

25 / 25

What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of acetylcholine from choline in the nerve cells?

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The average score is 35%


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