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Daily Quiz for DPEE: 02th January 2024

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Daily Quiz for DPEE: 02nd January 2024

1 / 25

Which of these anti-tubercular drugs are also active against leprosy

2 / 25

Caffeine is also called

3 / 25

Diazepam exist under which brands.........................

4 / 25

1 table spoonful mean............... 

5 / 25

Choose the correct synonyms of the size reduction.

6 / 25

Coarse powder is also known as-

7 / 25

All are plant growth promoters except

8 / 25

Halphen's test is used for

9 / 25

Analeptics are also called as

10 / 25

According to Ayurveda PITA (bile) is responsible for:

11 / 25

Spurious drug comes under

12 / 25

Which one is also known as extra-nuclear?

13 / 25

Given the following are long acting sulphonamides except.

14 / 25

4-amino-N-(diaminomethylidene) benzenesulfonamide is the IUPAC name of

15 / 25

Aralen is a brand name for:

16 / 25

In plant tissue culture surface sterilization of explant is done by

17 / 25

In which Ayurvedic formulation preservative is not required?

18 / 25

The word posos means.................

19 / 25

Schedule X of Drugs and Cosmetics Act comprises

20 / 25

Schedule M, states that

21 / 25

Flouxetine drug belongs to which class

22 / 25

Vitamin B6 is administered along with INH to avoid....................

23 / 25

"Schedule F3" is related with

24 / 25

Insulin injection according to Schedule P is should be stored

25 / 25

Rate of sedimentation is high in ?

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