Communication Skills | B Pharmacy Notes PDF

Unit: 1
  • Communication Skills: Introduction, Definition, The Importance of Communication, The Communication Process – Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback, Context 
  • Barriers to communication: Physiological Barriers, Physical Barriers, Cultural Barriers, Language Barriers, Gender Barriers, Interpersonal Barriers, Psychological Barriers, Emotional barriers 
  • Perspectives in Communication: Introduction, Visual Perception, Language, Other factors affecting our perspective – Past Experiences, Prejudices, Feelings, Environment
Unit: 2
  • Elements of Communication: Introduction, Face to Face Communication – Tone of Voice, Body Language (Non-verbal communication), Verbal Communication, Physical Communication
  • Communication Styles: Introduction, The Communication Styles Matrix with example for each -Direct Communication Style, Spirited Communication Style, Systematic Communication Style, Considerate Communication Style
Unit: 3
  • Basic Listening Skills: Introduction, Self-Awareness, Active Listening, Becoming anActive Listener, Listening in Difficult Situations 
  • Effective Written Communication: Introduction, When and When Not to Use WrittenCommunication – Complexity of the Topic, Amount of Discussion’ Required, Shades of
    Meaning, Formal Communication
  • Writing Effectively: Subject Lines, Put the Main Point First, Know Your Audience, Organization of the Message
Unit: 4
  • Interview Skills: Purpose of an interview, Do’s and Dont’s of an interview
  • Giving Presentations: Dealing with Fears, Planning your Presentation, Structuring Your Presentation, Delivering Your Presentation, Techniques of Delivery
Unit: 5
  • Group Discussion: Introduction, Communication skills in group discussion, Do’s andDont’s of group discussion