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Chapter: 2
Classification of drugs:
- Alphabetical
- Taxonomical
- Morphological
- Pharmacological
- Chemical
- Chemo-taxonomical
Chapter: 3
- Quality control of crude drugs | Adulteration | Evaluation of crude drugs
Chapter: 4
- Brief outline of occurrence, distribution, isolation, identification tests, therapeutic activity and pharmaceutical applications of alkaloids, terpenoids, glycosides, volatile oils, tannins and resins.
Brief outline of occurrence, distribution, isolation, identification tests, therapeutic activity and pharmaceutical applications of alkaloids, terpenoids, glycosides, volatile oils, tannins and resins.
- Laxative: Aloe, Castor Oil, Ispaghula, Senna
- Caediotonic: Digitalis, Arjuna,
- Carminatives and G.I. regulators: Coriander, Fennel, Cardamom, Ginger, Clove, Black Pepper, Asafoetida, Nutmeg, Cinnamon,
- Astringents & Myrobalan Black: Catechu,
- Drugs Acting on Nervous System: Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Ephedra, Opium, Tea Leaves, Coffee Seeds, Coca,
- Anti-Hypertensive: Rauwolfia,
- Anti-Tussive: Vasaka, Tolu Balam,
- Anti-Rheumatics: Colchicum Seeds,
- Anti-Tumour: Vinca, Podophyllum
- Antidiabetics: Pterocarpus, Gymnema,
- Diuretics: Gokhru, Punarnava,
- Anti-Dysenteric: Ipecacuanha,
- Antiseptic & Disinfectants: Benzoin, Myrrh, Neem, Turmeric,
- Antimalarials: Cinchona, Artemisia,
- Oxytocic: Ergot
- Vitamins: Cod Liver Oil, Shark Liver Oil,
- Enzymes: Papaya, Diastase, Pancreatin, Yeast,
- Pharmaceutical Aids: Kaolin, Lanolin, Beeswax, Acacia, Tragacanth,Sodium alginate, Agar, Guar gum, Gelatine,
- Miscellaneous: Squill, Galls, Pale Catechu, Ashwagandha, Vasaka, Tulsi,Guggul,
Plant fibres used as surgical dressings: Cotton, silk, wool and regenerated fibres Sutures – Surgical Catgut and Ligatures
- Basic principles involved in the traditional systems of medicine like: Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy
Method of preparation of Ayurvedic formulations like: Arista, Asava, Gutika, Taila, Churna, Lehya and Bhasma
Role of medicinal and aromatic plants in national economy and their export potential
Herbs as health food:
Brief introduction and therapeutic applications of: Nutraceuticals, Antioxidants, Pro-biotics, Pre-biotics, Dietary fibres, Omega-3-fatty acids, Spirulina, Carotenoids, Soya and Garlic
Herbal cosmetics Sources, chemical constituents, commercial preparations, therapeutic and cosmetic uses of: Aloe vera gel, Almond oil, Lavender oil, Olive oil, Rosemary oil, Sandal Wood oil Pharmacognosy